Zoner Photo Studio Professional 12.10 | 75.56 Mb
Photo management programs range from the extremely basic to the very, very complicated. If you are looking for the middle ground, Zoner Photo Studio might be the program for you.Zoner Photo Studio is divided into four sections, Manager, Viewer, Editor and RAW. They're pretty self-explanatory; the RAW editor allows you to edit photos in RAW format, a slightly more advanced way of processing photos. The great thing about Zoner Photo Studio is that it is perfectly balanced - it has just the right amount of viewing and editing power for intermediate users, and is neither too simple nor unnecessarily complicated.
Among Zoner Photo Studio's editing features are all the standards - color tweaking, resizing, cropping, etc. - and some interesting additions including iron, morph mesh and Droste effects. Zoner Photo Studio also has a good selection of publication features, so once you've edited those photos to perfection you can print, burn to disc, create 3D images, design a calendar, or email. The controls are simple to master, the interface is fully customizable, and the configuration settings are some of the best I've seen. It's a very complete program, and it will take you a while to discover all its features. Make the effort through, because it's sure to allow you to get the absolute best out of your photos.
* Memperoleh foto dari kamera Anda, scanner, kartu, atau layar
* Memperbaiki gambar cepat dengan Quick Fix
* Menghemat waktu dengan operasi batch nyaman
* Cepat menemukan semua foto dan gambar pada hard drive Anda
* Membuat foto panorama dan 3D dengan mudah
* Menggunakan beragam suntingan dan efek
* Menambahkan lokasi foto GPS dan melihat mereka di peta
* Mempublikasikan ke Web dengan mudah dan langsung
* Template untuk kalender, kartu ucapan, dan banyak lagi

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